Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents add_interface


Adds an interface to your module. An interface represents a collection of related signals that are managed together in the parent system. These signals are implemented in the IP component's HDL, or exported from an interface from a child instance. As the IP component author, you choose the name of the interface.


Discovery, Main Program, Elaboration, Composition


add_interface <name> <type> <direction> [<associated_clock>]


No returns value.


A name you choose to identify an interface.
The type of interface.
The interface direction.
associated_clock (optional)
(deprecated) For interfaces requiring associated clocks, use: set_interface_property <interface> associatedClock <clockInterface> For interfaces requiring associated resets, use: set_interface_property <interface> associatedReset <resetInterface>


add_interface mm_agent avalon agent

add_interface my_export conduit end
set_interface_property my_export EXPORT_OF uart_0.external_connection


By default, interfaces are enabled. You can set the interface property ENABLED to false to disable an interface. If an interface is disabled, it is hidden and its ports are automatically terminated to their default values. Active high signals are terminated to 0. Active low signals are terminated to 1.

If the IP component is composed of child instances, the top-level interface is associated with a child instance's interface with set_interface_property interface EXPORT_OF child_instance.interface .

The following direction rules apply to Platform Designer-supported interfaces.

Interface Type Direction
avalon host, agent
axi manager, subordinate
tristate_conduit host, agent
avalon_streaming source, sink
interrupt sender, receiver
conduit end
clock source, sink
reset source, sink
nios_custom_instruction slave