Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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2.6.1. Modifying IP Parameters

The Parameters tab allows you to view and edit the current parameter settings for IP components in your system.

To display a components parameters on the Parameters tab:

  1. click View > Parameters.
  2. Select the component in the System View or Hierarchy tabs.
  • Parameters field—adjust the parameters to align with your design requirements, including changing the name of the top-level instance.
  • Component Banner—displays the hierarchical path for the component and internal names. Displays the HDL entity name and the IP file path for the selected IP component. Right-click in the banner to display internal parameter names for use with scripted flows.
  • Details—displays links to detailed information about the component.
  • Parameterization Messages—displays parameter warning and error messages about the IP component.
Figure 22.  Platform Designer Parameters Tab

Changes that you make in the Parameters tab affect your entire system, and dynamically update other open tabs in Platform Designer. Any change that you make on the Parameters tab, automatically updates the corresponding .ip file that stores the component's parameterization.

If you create your own custom IP components, you can use the Hardware Component Description File (_hw.tcl) to specify configurable parameters.


If you use the ip-deploy or qsys-script commands rather than the Platform Designer GUI, you must use internal parameter names with these parameters.