Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents Reset Sequencer Control Register

The Control register allows you to control the Reset Sequencer.
Table 89.  Values for the Control Register at Offset 0x08
Bit Attribute Default Description
31:3 Reserved.
2 RW 0 Enable SW sequenced reset assert—Enable a software sequenced reset assert sequence. Timer delays and input qualification are ignored, and only the software can sequence the assert.
1 RW 0 Enable SW sequenced reset deassert—Enable a software sequenced reset deassert sequence. Timer delays and input qualification are ignored, and only the software can sequence the deassert.
0 WO 0 Initiate Reset Sequence—To trigger the hardware sequenced warm reset, the Reset Sequencer writes this bit to 1 a single time. The Reset Sequencer verifies that Reset Active is 0 before setting this bit, and always reads the value 0. To monitor this sequence, verify that Reset Active is asserted, and then subsequently deasserted.