Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683499
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.4.3. Partial Reconfiguration Controller Instantiation in the Design

Normally you would use the Altera PR IP core to configure the PR process. When you instantiate the PR IP within your PR design, the Stratix® V PR control block and the Stratix® V CRC block are automatically instantiated in your design. However, you can also write your own custom logic to do the function of the PR IP. In case you are creating your own control logic, or if you are using the PR IP in the external host mode (where in the logic that controls PR process is outside the FPGA undergoing PR operation) , you must instantiate the Stratix® V PR control block and the Stratix® V CRC block in your design in order to use the PR feature in external host mode. Please refer to the Partial Reconfiguration with an External Host topic for more details.

If you perform PR in internal host mode, you do not have to instantiate the PR control block and the CRC block, since they are are instantiated for you by the PR IP core. Instantiation of the partial reconfiguration controller is required only if your design includes partial reconfiguration in external host mode. Please refer to the Partial Reconfiguration with an External Host topic for more details.

When you are manually instantiating the Stratix® V Control Block and CRC block, you may want to add the PR control and CRC blocks at the top level of the design.

For example, in a design named Core_Top, all the logic is contained under the Core_Top module hierarchy. Create a wrapper (Chip_Top) at the top-level of the hierarchy that instantiates this Core_Top module, the Stratix® V PR control block, and the Stratix® V CRC check modules.

If you are performing partial reconfiguration from pins, then the required pins should be on the I/O list for the top-level (Chip_Top) of the project, as shown in the code in the following examples. If you are performing partial reconfiguration from within the core, you may choose another configuration scheme, such as Active Serial, to transmit the reconfiguration data into the core, and then assemble it to 16-bit wide data inside the FPGA within your logic. In such cases, the PR pins are not part of the FPGA I/O.