Intel® MAX™ 10 Embedded Memory User Guide

ID 683431
Date 5/05/2023
Document Table of Contents

9.1. Shift Register (RAM-based) IP Core Signals for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices

Table 31.  Shift Register (RAM-based) IP Core Input Signals
Signal Required Description
shiftin[] Yes Data input to the shifter. Input port WIDTH bits wide.
clock Yes Positive-edge triggered clock.
clken No Clock enable for the clock port. clken defaults to VCC.
aclr No Asynchronously clears the contents of the shift register chain. The shiftout outputs are cleared immediately upon the assertion of the aclr signal.
Table 32.  Shift Register (RAM-based) IP Core Output Signals
Signal Required Description
shiftout[] Yes Output from the end of the shift register. Output port WIDTH bits wide.
taps[] Yes Output from the regularly spaced taps along the shift register. Output port WIDTH * NUMBER_OF_TAPS wide. This port is an aggregate of all the regularly spaced taps (each WIDTH bits) along the shift register.