Visible to Intel only — GUID: aul1541051395075
1. Intel® Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory Overview
2. Intel® Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory Architecture and Features
3. Intel® Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory Design Considerations
4. Intel® Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory IP References
5. Intel Stratix 10 Embedded Memory Design Example
6. Intel® Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory User Guide Archives
7. Document Revision History for the Intel® Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory User Guide
2.1. Byte Enable in Intel® Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory Blocks
2.2. Address Clock Enable Support
2.3. Asynchronous Clear and Synchronous Clear
2.4. Memory Blocks Error Correction Code Support
2.5. Force-to-Zero
2.6. Coherent Read Memory
2.7. Freeze Logic
2.8. True Dual Port Dual Clock Emulator
2.9. 'X' Propagation Support in Simulation
2.10. Intel® Stratix® 10 Supported Embedded Memory IPs
2.11. Intel® Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory Clocking Modes
2.12. Intel® Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory Configurations
2.13. Initial Value of Read and Write Address Registers
3.1. Consider the Memory Block Selection
3.2. Consider the Concurrent Read Behavior
3.3. Customize Read-During-Write Behavior
3.4. Consider Power-Up State and Memory Initialization
3.5. Reduce Power Consumption
3.6. Avoid Providing Non-Deterministic Input
3.7. Avoid Changing Clock Signals and Other Control Signals Simultaneously
3.8. Including the Reset Release Intel® FPGA IP in Your Design
3.9. Resource and Timing Optimization Feature in MLAB Blocks
3.10. Consider the Memory Depth Setting
4.1.1. Release Information for RAM and ROM Intel® FPGA IPs
4.1.2. RAM: 1-PORT Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
4.1.3. RAM: 2-PORT Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
4.1.4. RAM: 4-PORT Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
4.1.5. ROM: 1-PORT Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
4.1.6. ROM: 2-PORT Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
4.1.7. RAM and ROM Interface Signals
4.1.8. Changing Parameter Settings Manually
4.3.1. Release Information for FIFO Intel® FPGA IP
4.3.2. Configuration Methods
4.3.3. Specifications
4.3.4. FIFO Functional Timing Requirements
4.3.5. SCFIFO ALMOST_EMPTY Functional Timing
4.3.6. FIFO Output Status Flag and Latency
4.3.7. FIFO Metastability Protection and Related Options
4.3.8. FIFO Synchronous Clear and Asynchronous Clear Effect
4.3.9. SCFIFO and DCFIFO Show-Ahead Mode
4.3.10. Different Input and Output Width
4.3.11. DCFIFO Timing Constraint Setting
4.3.12. Coding Example for Manual Instantiation
4.3.13. Design Example
4.3.14. Gray-Code Counter Transfer at the Clock Domain Crossing
4.3.15. Guidelines for Embedded Memory ECC Feature
4.3.16. FIFO Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
4.3.17. Reset Scheme
4.4.1. Release Information for FIFO2 Intel® FPGA IP
4.4.2. Configuration Methods
4.4.3. Fmax Target Measuring Methodology
4.4.4. Performance Considerations
4.4.5. FIFO2 Intel® FPGA IP Features
4.4.6. FIFO2 Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
4.4.7. FIFO2 Intel® FPGA IP Interface Signals
4.4.8. Reset and Clock Schemes
4.5.1. Release Information for Shift Register (RAM-based) Intel® FPGA IP
4.5.2. Shift Register (RAM-based) Intel® FPGA IP Features
4.5.3. Shift Register (RAM-based) Intel® FPGA IP General Description
4.5.4. Shift Register (RAM-based) Intel® FPGA IP Parameter Settings
4.5.5. Shift Register Ports and Parameters Setting
Visible to Intel only — GUID: aul1541051395075
5.1.2. Simulating the Design Example
- Launch ModelSim to proceed with simulation. In ModelSim, change directory to the path where you saved this project by going to <file>-<change directory>.
- In the Transcript window, input the following command to start simulation.
source sim_top.tcl
The Tcl script compiles all the source files and library files, and start the simulation.