Visible to Intel only — GUID: jaf1618568421265
2.2.1. TDATA Pixel Packing
2.2.2. RGB Pixel Packing
2.2.3. YCbCr 444 Pixel Packing
2.2.4. YCbCr 422 Pixel Packing
2.2.5. YCbCr 420 Pixel Packing
2.2.6. Four-Channel Video Pixel Packing
2.2.7. Packing with Multiple Pixels in Parallel
2.2.8. Multiple Pixels in Parallel and Empty Pixels
2.2.9. YCbCr 422 Video with Multiple Pixels in Parallel
2.2.10. Packing RGB444 onto an RGB888 Interface
2.2.11. Packing with Less than 8 bits per Symbol Natively
2.2.12. Interlaced Fields
Visible to Intel only — GUID: jaf1618568421265
Ready and Valid Behavior
The AXI specification states: a source is not permitted to wait until TREADY is asserted before asserting TVALID. Intel mandates this behaviour for the external interfaces of video and vision processing IP components. Video and vision processing IP sinks must raise TREADY independently of whether the input TVALID is asserted. This behavior ensures that if a third party IP drives a video and vision processing IP sink and the third party IP does not respect this AXI rule for sources, the video pipe still operates correctly.
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