Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: PCB Design Tools

ID 683768
Date 8/01/2023

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5.5.2. Instantiating the Symbol in the Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL Software

To instantiate the symbol in your Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL schematic after saving the new symbol in the Cadence Allegro PCB Librarian Part Developer tool, follow these steps:

  1. In the Cadence Allegro Project Manager tool, switch to the board design flow.
  2. On the Flows menu, click Board Design.
  3. To start the Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL software, click Design Entry.
  4. To add the newly created symbol to your schematic, on the Component menu, click Add. The Add Component dialog box appears.
  5. Select the new symbol library location, and select the name of the cell you created from the list of cells.

    The symbol attaches to your cursor for placement in the schematic. To fracture the symbol into slots, right-click the symbol and choose Version to select one of the slots for placement in the schematic.