CPRI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683595
Date 11/11/2021

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5.12. FLSAR Register

Table 64.  FLSAR Register at Offset 0x2CThe FLSAR register is the L1 inband control word Z.130.0 control and status register.

Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description
31 Reserved UR0 1'b0
30 local_lof RO 1'b0 Local loss of frame (LOF) detected
29 local_los RO 1'b0 Local loss of signal (LOS) detected
28 lof_detected RO 1'b0 Remote LOF detected
27 los_detected RO 1'b0 Remote LOS detected
26 sdi_detected RO 1'b0 Remote service access point (SAP) defect indication (SDI) detected.
25 rai_detected RO 1'b0 Remote alarm indication (RAI) detected.
24 reset_detected RO 1'b0 Reset request or acknowledgement detected.
23:17 Reserved UR0 7'b0
16 sdi_gen RW 1'b0 Enable Z.130.0 SDI generation.
15:9 Reserved UR0 7'b0
8 rai_gen RW 1'b1 Enable Z.130.0 RAI generation as a result of local loss of signal (LOS) or loss of frame (LOF).
7:1 Reserved UR0 7'b0
0 reset_gen RW 1'b0 Enable Z.130.0 reset generation.