Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 6/20/2022

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Document Table of Contents get_current_state_of_output_pin (::quartus::logic_analyzer_interface)

The following table displays information for the get_current_state_of_output_pin Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::logic_analyzer_interface

Syntax get_current_state_of_output_pin [-h | -help] [-long_help] -instance_name <instance name>
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-instance_name <instance name> Name of the Logic Analyzer Interface instance to change
Query the device to get the current state of the
output pins of the specified instance.

The result is either the bank name or "tristated".
Example Usage
# Start a new control sequence.
begin_logic_analyzer_interface_control -hardware_name "USB-Blaster \[USB-0\]" -device_name "@1: EP1C20 (0x020840DD)" -file_path "lai_demo.lai"

# Query the output pin state.
puts "Current output pin state of instance auto_lai_0:"
puts [get_current_state_of_output_pin -instance_name "auto_lai_0"]

# Change input bank source to the output pins
change_bank_to_output_pin -instance_name "auto_lai_0" -bank_name "Bank 1"

# Query the output pin state.
puts "Current output pin state of instance auto_lai_0:"
puts [get_current_state_of_output_pin -instance_name "auto_lai_0"]

# Change input bank source to the output pins
change_bank_to_output_pin -instance_name "auto_lai_0" -bank_index 0

# Query the output pin state.
puts "Current output pin state of instance auto_lai_0:"
puts [get_current_state_of_output_pin -instance_name "auto_lai_0"]

# Tristate the output pins
tristate_output_pin -instance_name "auto_lai_0"

# Query the output pin state.
puts "Current output pin state of instance auto_lai_0:"
puts [get_current_state_of_output_pin -instance_name "auto_lai_0"]

# End the control sequence.
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: No Logic Analyzer Interface control sequence has been started.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: The specified device is not found.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: The specified hardware is not found.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: The specified Logic Analyzer Interface instance in the file is not compatible with the instance in the device.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: JTAG communication error is detected. It can be caused by the hardware failure or poor signal integrity in the JTAG chain.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: The specified Logic Analyzer Interface instance cannot be found.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: The version of the specified Logic Analyzer Interface instance is not supported in this release of software.