Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 6/20/2022

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Document Table of Contents Pins: all & Registers: post-fitting Filter

This Node Finder filter finds all pin names in your design along with all register names from your design files that persist after physical synthesis and fitting. The Pins: all & Registers: post-fitting filter is a combination of the Pins: all and Registers: post-fitting filters.

The following Tcl command demonstrates the use of the Pins: all & Registers: post-fitting filtering option:

set name_ids_col [get_names -filter * -node_type \
all_reg -observable_type post_fitter] 
foreach_in_collection name_id $name_ids_col { 
     set name [get_name_info -info full_path -observable_type post_fitter \ 
     append name ","
     append name [get_name_info -info node_type $name_id]
     puts $name

For more information about the get_names command, refer to The get_names Command.