Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 6/20/2022

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Document Table of Contents

2.10. Tcl Scripting Revision History

The following revision history applies to this chapter:

Table 12.  Document Revision History
Document Version Intel® Quartus® Prime Version Changes
2020.12.14 20.4
  • Revised "Tcl Scripting" topic to include link to new "Tcl Commands and Packages" reference.
  • Revised "Tcl Packages" topic for latest supported packages.
2019.06.28 19.1 Minor correction in The get_names Command
2019.04.01 19.1
  • Added Node Finder Tcl commands.
  • Added the get_names command.
  • Rectified code snippet formatting in Compile All Revisions, Arrays, and Control Structures topics.
2018.05.07 18.0.0
  • Removed deprecated options.
  • External reference links updated.
  • Corrected typos and made minor content fixes.
2016.10.31 16.1.0
  • Implemented Intel rebranding.
2015.11.02 15.1.0
  • Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.
  • Updated the list of Tcl packages in the Quartus Prime Tcl Packages section.
  • Updated the Quartus Prime Tcl API Help section:
    • Updated the Tcl Help Output
June 2014 14.0.0 Updated the format.
June 2012 12.0.0
  • Removed survey link.
November 2011 11.0.1
  • Template update
  • Updated supported version of Tcl in the section “Tool Command Language.”
  • minor editorial changes
May 2011 11.0.0 Minor updates throughout document.
December 2010 10.1.0 Template update

Updated to remove tcl packages used by the Classic Timing Analyzer

July 2010 10.0.0 Minor updates throughout document.
November 2009 9.1.0
  • Removed Logic Lock example.
  • Added the incremental_compilation, insystem_source_probe, and rtl packages to Table 3-1 and Table 3-2.
  • Added quartus_map to table 3-2.
March 2009 9.0.0
  • Removed the “EDA Tool Assignments” section
  • Added the section “Compile All Revisions” on page 3–9
  • Added the section “Using the tclsh Shell” on page 3–20
November 2008 8.1.0 Changed to 8½” × 11” page size. No change to content.
May 2008 8.0.0 Updated references.