F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 10/02/2023

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2.1.2. 400G Hard IP and 200G Hard IP

F-tile supports 400G hard IP and 200G hard IP. 400G hard IP interfaces either with up to four FHT PMAs or 16 FGT PMAs (one at a time), and 200G hard IP interfaces with up to eight FGT PMAs (Quad0 and Quad1).

Starting with Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 23.1, F-tile supports the mixed transceiver mode in which the 400G hard IP interfaces with up to four FHT PMAs and four FGT PMAs (Quad2).

400G hard IP and 200G hard IP can be divided into fractures. The building block of a fracture is a stream.

  • A stream is a logical representation of a datapath connecting one EMIB to one PMA, so one stream maps to one EMIB and has a maximum of 32 Gbps data. One PMA can connect up to four streams.
  • The PMA width determines the number of streams used. Each PMA with a width of 32 or less uses one stream. Each PMA with a width of 64 uses two streams. Each PMA with a width of 128 uses four streams. For example:
    • 10GbE needs a single stream.
    • 40GbE running on four 10 Gbps PMAs needs four streams.
    • 53 Gbps PAM4 requires a 64 PMA width, so it needs two streams.
    • 100 Gbps PAM4 requires a 128 PMA width, so it needs four streams.
  • See the following "Hard IP Fractures and Streams" figures.
    • In 400G hard IP, Stream0-Stream15 map to EMIB_23-EMIB_8, respectively.
    • In 200G hard IP, Stream0-Stream7 map to EMIB_7-EMIB_0, respectively.
One or more streams combine to form a fracture. For example, 16 streams are combined to form the st_x16 fracture. A fracture can include MAC, PCS, FEC, a combination of the three, or bypass all three. The fracture naming convention is:
<st as an abbreviation of stream>_x<number of streams in the fracture>_<index number>
For example, the st_x2_2 fracture combines two streams of up to 32 Gbps data for index number two.

Each fracture in 400G hard IP includes MAC, PCS, and FEC. Each fracture in 200G hard IP includes a PCS and FEC. 400G hard IP is a superset of 200G hard IP. If you need MAC or require bandwidth greater than 200 Gbps, use 400G hard IP. See PMA Data Rates for supported data rates.

Table 3.  Supported Fractures in 400G Hard IP and 200G Hard IP
Fracture Type 400G Hard IP (MAC, PCS, and FEC) 200G Hard IP (PCS and FEC) Example Protocols
Number of Fractures (n) Number of Streams and EMIBs per Fracture Number of Fractures (n) Number of Streams and EMIBs per Fracture
st_x1 16 1 8 1

9.8 Gbps PMA Direct

10GbE-1 IEEE Ethernet

25GbE-1 IEEE Ethernet

16G Fibre Channel

32G Fibre Channel

st_x2 8 2 4 2

50GbE-1 and 50GbE-2 IEEE Ethernet

50GbE-1 and 50GbE-2 Ethernet Technology Consortium

64G Fibre Channel

st_x4 4 4 2 4

40GbE-4 IEEE Ethernet

100GbE-1, 100GbE-2, and 100GbE-4 IEEE Ethernet

100GbE-2 Ethernet Technology Consortium

100G Interlaken with RS-FEC

128G Fibre Channel

st_x8 2 8 1 8

200GbE-2, 200GbE-4, and 200GbE-8 IEEE Ethernet

200GbE-4 Ethernet Technology Consortium

st_x16 1 16 N/A N/A

400GbE-4 IEEE Ethernet

400GbE-8 Ethernet Technology Consortium

400G FlexO

Table 4.  400G Hard IP and 200G Hard IP Supported Configurations


(400G hard IP only)


(no 8b/10b)

FEC PMA Example Protocols
Supported by 400G Hard IP
Full hard IP (with MAC) Yes Yes Optional FHT or FGT Ethernet
Supported by 400G Hard IP and 200G Hard IP
PCS Direct Not used Yes Optional

FHT or FGT for 400G Hard IP

FGT for 200G Hard IP

Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) 24G
FlexE Not used Yes (64b/66b encoder/decoder bypass) Optional

FHT or FGT for 400G Hard IP

FGT for 200G Hard IP

Open Transport Network (OTN) Not used Yes (64b/66b encoder/decoder and scrambler bypass) Optional

FHT or FGT for 400G Hard IP

FGT for 200G Hard IP

FEC Direct Not used Not used Yes

FHT or FGT for 400G Hard IP

FGT for 200G Hard IP

Interlaken 300G-6, 32G Fibre Channel, 64G Fibre Channel
PMA Direct Not used Not used Not used

FHT or FGT for 400G Hard IP

FGT for 200G Hard IP

CPRI (low data rate), high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI), serial digital interface (SDI), JESD204B/C
Figure 2. 400G Hard IP Fractures and Streams
Figure 3. 200G Hard IP Fractures and Streams

400G hard IP and 200G hard IP can use various fracture combinations. Using a fracture makes the fractures to its right and left that share the same stream unavailable. For example, for 400G hard IP, the st_x8_0 and st_x16_0 fractures share eight streams (Stream0-Stream7), and the st_x2_0 and st_x8_0 fractures share two streams (Stream0-Stream1).

Therefore, using st_x8_0 in 400G hard IP makes the following fractures unavailable:

  • st_x16_0
  • st_x4_0
  • st_x4_1
  • st_x2_0 - st_x2_3
  • st_x1_0 - st_x1_7
Figure 4. 400G Hard IP Usable Fractures by Stream

And, using st_x2_0 in 200G hard IP makes the following fractures unavailable:

  • st_x8_0
  • st_x4_0
  • st_x1_1
  • st_x1_0
Figure 5. 200G Hard IP Usable Fractures by Stream