F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Accessing FGT PMA Registers

For FGT PMA registers with offset address less than 0x48000, you must use the following address:
  • For the channel on lane 0: offset address + channel base address
  • For the channel on lane 1: offset address + 0x8000 + channel base address
  • For the channel on lane 2: offset address + 0x10000 + channel base address
  • For the channel on lane 3: offset address + 0x18000 + channel base address
Note: Lane 0, 1, 2, or 3 are the physical locations where the channel is placed at and corresponds to FGT0, FGT1, FGT2, and FGT3 within each Quad.
The channel base address is as follows:
  • For channels 0, 1, 2 or 3: 0x000000
  • For channels 4, 5, 6 or 7: 0x400000
  • For channels 8, 9, 10 or 11: 0x800000
  • For channels 12, 13, 14 or 15: 0xC00000
Note: The channel numbers 0 through 15 are the logical number of the PMA lanes. For example, a design with 16 PMA lanes, has transceiver signals tx/rx_serial[15:0]. The signal tx/rx_serial[0] is for channel 0, the signal tx/rx_serial[1] is for channel 1, the signal tx/rx_serial[7] is channel 7 and so on. In addition, the FGT PMA register address depends only on the lane number and channel number and is not related to the Quad number.

FGT PMA Register Access Example 1

This example demonstrates how to access FGT PMA registers of a design with 10 PMA lanes. The placement of the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP is as follows:
  • Channel 0 is placed on Quad 3, Lane 3
  • Channel 1 is placed on Quad 3, Lane 2
  • Channel 2 is placed on Quad 3, Lane 1
  • Channel 3 is placed on Quad 3, Lane 0
  • Channel 4 is placed on Quad 2, Lane 3
  • Channel 5 is placed on Quad 2, Lane 2
  • Channel 6 is placed on Quad 2, Lane 1
  • Channel 7 is placed on Quad 2, Lane 0
  • Channel 8 is placed on Quad 1, Lane 3
  • Channel 9 is placed on Quad 1, Lane 2
To access the TX equalization register with offset address 0x47830, you must use the following address:
  • Channel 0: 0x5f830 (0x47830 + 0x18000 + 0x000000)
  • Channel 1: 0x57830 (0x47830 + 0x10000 + 0x000000)
  • Channel 2: 0x4f830 (0x47830 + 0x8000 + 0x000000)
  • Channel 3: 0x47830 (0x47830 + 0x000000)
  • Channel 4: 0x45f830 (0x47830 + 0x18000 + 0x400000)
  • Channel 5: 0x457830 (0x47830 + 0x10000 + 0x400000)
  • Channel 6: 0x44f830 (0x47830 + 0x8000 + 0x400000)
  • Channel 7: 0x447830 (0x47830 + 0x400000)
  • Channel 8: 0x85f830 (0x47830 + 0x18000 + 0x800000)
  • Channel 9: 0x857830 (0x47830 + 0x10000 + 0x800000)
For FGT PMA registers with offset address as 0x9003C or 0x90040, you must use the following address:
  • For channels 0, 1, 2 or 3: offset address + 0x000000
  • For channels 4, 5, 6 or 7: offset address + 0x400000
  • For channels 8, 9, 10 or 11: offset address + 0x800000
  • For channels 12, 13, 14 or 15: offset address + 0xC00000
Note: The channel numbers 0 through 15 are the logical number of the PMA lanes. For example, a design with 16 PMA lanes, has transceiver signals tx/rx_serial[15:0]. The signal tx/rx_serial[0] is for channel 0, the signal tx/rx_serial[1] is for channel 1, the signal tx/rx_serial[7] is for channel 7 and so on.
For FGT PMA registers with offset address as 0x62000, 0x62004, or 0x62008, you must use the following address:
  • For the channel on lane 0: offset address + channel base address
  • For the channel on lane 1: offset address + 0x4000 + channel base address
  • For the channel on lane 2: offset address + 0x8000 + channel base address
  • For the channel on lane 3: offset address + 0xC000 + channel base address
The channel base address is as follows:
  • For channels 0, 1, 2 or 3: 0x000000
  • For channels 4, 5, 6 or 7: 0x400000
  • For channels 8, 9, 10 or 11: 0x800000
  • For channels 12, 13, 14 or 15: 0xC00000

For FGT PMA registers with offset address greater than 0xF0000 and less than 0xFFFFC, you must directly use the offset address provided in the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP register map.

For FGT PMA registers with offset address as 0xFFFFC, you must use the following address:
  • For channel 0: 0xFFFFC
  • For channel 1: 0x1FFFFC
  • For channel 2: 0x2FFFFC
  • For channel 3: 0x3FFFFC
  • For channel 4: 0x4FFFFC
  • For channel 5: 0x5FFFFC
  • For channel 6: 0x6FFFFC
  • For channel 7: 0x7FFFFC
  • For channel 8: 0x8FFFFC
  • For channel 9: 0x9FFFFC
  • For channel 10: 0xAFFFFC
  • For channel 11: 0xBFFFFC
  • For channel 12: 0xCFFFFC
  • For channel 13: 0xDFFFFC
  • For channel 14: 0xEFFFFC
  • For channel 15: 0xFFFFFC