Visible to Intel only — GUID: ubp1678309340915
1. F-Tile Overview
2. F-Tile Architecture
3. Implementing the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP
4. Implementing the F-Tile Reference and System PLL Clocks Intel® FPGA IP
5. F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Design Implementation
6. Supported Tools
7. Debugging F-Tile Transceiver Links
8. F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide Archives
9. Document Revision History for the F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide
A. Appendix
2.1.1. FHT and FGT PMAs
2.1.2. 400G Hard IP and 200G Hard IP
2.1.3. PMA Data Rates
2.1.4. FEC Architecture
2.1.5. PCIe* Hard IP
2.1.6. Bonding Architecture
2.1.7. Deskew Logic
2.1.8. Embedded Multi-die Interconnect Bridge (EMIB)
2.1.9. IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol for Ethernet
2.1.10. Clock Networks
2.1.11. Reconfiguration Interfaces
2.2.1. PMA-to-Fracture Mapping
2.2.2. Determining Which PMA to Map to Which Fracture
2.2.3. Hard IP Placement Rules
2.2.4. IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol Placement Rules
2.2.5. Topologies
2.2.6. FEC Placement Rules
2.2.7. Clock Rules and Restrictions
2.2.8. Bonding Placement Rules
2.2.9. Preserving Unused PMA Lanes Implementing One 200GbE-4 Interface with 400G Hard IP and FHT Implementing One 200GbE-2 Interface with 400G Hard IP and FHT Implementing One 100GbE-1 Interface with 400G Hard IP and FHT Implementing One 100GbE-4 Interface with 400G Hard IP and FGT Implementing One 10GbE-1 Interface with 200G Hard IP and FGT Implementing Three 25GbE-1 Interfaces with 400G Hard IP and FHT Implementing One 50GbE-1 and Two 25GbE-1 Interfaces with 400G Hard IP and FHT Implementing One 100GbE-1 and Two 25GbE-1 Interfaces with 400G Hard IP and FHT Implementing Two 100GbE-1 and One 25GbE-1 Interfaces with 400G Hard IP and FHT Implementing 100GbE-1, 100GbE-2, and 50GbE-1 Interfaces with 400G Hard IP and FHT
3.1. F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP Overview
3.2. Designing with F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP
3.3. Configuring the IP
3.4. Signal and Port Reference
3.5. Bit Mapping for PMA and FEC Mode PHY TX and RX Datapath
3.6. Clocking
3.7. Custom Cadence Generation Ports and Logic
3.8. Asserting Reset
3.9. Bonding Implementation
3.10. Independent Port Configurations
3.11. Configuration Registers
3.12. Configurable Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Settings
3.13. Configuring the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP for Hardware Testing
3.14. Hardware Configuration Using the Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface
3.3.1. General and Common Datapath Options
3.3.2. TX Datapath Options
3.3.3. RX Datapath Options
3.3.4. RS-FEC (Reed Solomon Forward Error Correction) Options
3.3.5. Avalon® Memory Mapped Interface Options
3.3.6. Register Map IP-XACT Support
3.3.7. Example Design Generation
3.3.8. Analog Parameter Options
3.4.1. TX and RX Parallel and Serial Interface Signals
3.4.2. TX and RX Reference Clock and Clock Output Interface Signals
3.4.3. Reset Signals
3.4.4. RS-FEC Signals
3.4.5. Custom Cadence Control and Status Signals
3.4.6. TX PMA Control Signals
3.4.7. RX PMA Status Signals
3.4.8. TX and RX PMA and Core Interface FIFO Signals
3.4.9. PMA Avalon® Memory Mapped Interface Signals
3.4.10. Datapath Avalon® Memory Mapped Interface Signals
3.5.1. Parallel Data Mapping Information
3.5.2. TX and RX Parallel Data Mapping Information for Different Configurations
3.5.3. Example of TX Parallel Data for PMA Width = 8, 10, 16, 20, 32 (X=1)
3.5.4. Example of TX Parallel Data for PMA width = 64 (X=2)
3.5.5. Example of TX Parallel Data for PMA width = 64 (X=2) for FEC Direct Mode
3.8.1. Reset Signal Requirements
3.8.2. Power On Reset Requirements
3.8.3. Reset Signals—Block Level
3.8.4. Reset Signals—Descriptions
3.8.5. Status Signals—Descriptions
3.8.6. Run-time Reset Sequence—TX
3.8.7. Run-time Reset Sequence—RX
3.8.8. Run-time Reset Sequence—TX + RX
3.8.9. Run-time Reset Sequence—TX with FEC
5.1. Implementing the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Design
5.2. Instantiating the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP
5.3. Implementing a RS-FEC Direct Design in the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP
5.4. Instantiating the F-Tile Reference and System PLL Clocks Intel® FPGA IP
5.5. Enabling Custom Cadence Generation Ports and Logic
5.6. Connecting the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Design IP
5.7. Simulating the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Design
5.8. F-Tile Interface Planning
7.2.1. Modifying the Design to Enable F-Tile Transceiver Debug
7.2.2. Programming the Design into an Intel FPGA
7.2.3. Loading the Design to the Transceiver Toolkit
7.2.4. Creating Transceiver Links
7.2.5. Running BER Tests
7.2.6. Running Eye Viewer Tests
7.2.7. Running Link Optimization Tests
7.2.8. Checking FEC Statistics
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ubp1678309340915
Ixiasoft Accessing FGT PMA Registers
For FGT PMA registers with offset address less than 0x48000, you must use the following address:
- For the channel on lane 0: offset address + channel base address
- For the channel on lane 1: offset address + 0x8000 + channel base address
- For the channel on lane 2: offset address + 0x10000 + channel base address
- For the channel on lane 3: offset address + 0x18000 + channel base address
Note: Lane 0, 1, 2, or 3 are the physical locations where the channel is placed at and corresponds to FGT0, FGT1, FGT2, and FGT3 within each Quad.
The channel base address is as follows:
- For channels 0, 1, 2 or 3: 0x000000
- For channels 4, 5, 6 or 7: 0x400000
- For channels 8, 9, 10 or 11: 0x800000
- For channels 12, 13, 14 or 15: 0xC00000
Note: The channel numbers 0 through 15 are the logical number of the PMA lanes. For example, a design with 16 PMA lanes, has transceiver signals tx/rx_serial[15:0]. The signal tx/rx_serial[0] is for channel 0, the signal tx/rx_serial[1] is for channel 1, the signal tx/rx_serial[7] is channel 7 and so on. In addition, the FGT PMA register address depends only on the lane number and channel number and is not related to the Quad number.
FGT PMA Register Access Example 1
This example demonstrates how to access FGT PMA registers of a design with 10 PMA lanes. The placement of the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP is as follows:
- Channel 0 is placed on Quad 3, Lane 3
- Channel 1 is placed on Quad 3, Lane 2
- Channel 2 is placed on Quad 3, Lane 1
- Channel 3 is placed on Quad 3, Lane 0
- Channel 4 is placed on Quad 2, Lane 3
- Channel 5 is placed on Quad 2, Lane 2
- Channel 6 is placed on Quad 2, Lane 1
- Channel 7 is placed on Quad 2, Lane 0
- Channel 8 is placed on Quad 1, Lane 3
- Channel 9 is placed on Quad 1, Lane 2
- Channel 0: 0x5f830 (0x47830 + 0x18000 + 0x000000)
- Channel 1: 0x57830 (0x47830 + 0x10000 + 0x000000)
- Channel 2: 0x4f830 (0x47830 + 0x8000 + 0x000000)
- Channel 3: 0x47830 (0x47830 + 0x000000)
- Channel 4: 0x45f830 (0x47830 + 0x18000 + 0x400000)
- Channel 5: 0x457830 (0x47830 + 0x10000 + 0x400000)
- Channel 6: 0x44f830 (0x47830 + 0x8000 + 0x400000)
- Channel 7: 0x447830 (0x47830 + 0x400000)
- Channel 8: 0x85f830 (0x47830 + 0x18000 + 0x800000)
- Channel 9: 0x857830 (0x47830 + 0x10000 + 0x800000)
For FGT PMA registers with offset address as 0x9003C or 0x90040, you must use the following address:
- For channels 0, 1, 2 or 3: offset address + 0x000000
- For channels 4, 5, 6 or 7: offset address + 0x400000
- For channels 8, 9, 10 or 11: offset address + 0x800000
- For channels 12, 13, 14 or 15: offset address + 0xC00000
Note: The channel numbers 0 through 15 are the logical number of the PMA lanes. For example, a design with 16 PMA lanes, has transceiver signals tx/rx_serial[15:0]. The signal tx/rx_serial[0] is for channel 0, the signal tx/rx_serial[1] is for channel 1, the signal tx/rx_serial[7] is for channel 7 and so on.
For FGT PMA registers with offset address as 0x62000, 0x62004, or 0x62008, you must use the following address:
- For the channel on lane 0: offset address + channel base address
- For the channel on lane 1: offset address + 0x4000 + channel base address
- For the channel on lane 2: offset address + 0x8000 + channel base address
- For the channel on lane 3: offset address + 0xC000 + channel base address
- For channels 0, 1, 2 or 3: 0x000000
- For channels 4, 5, 6 or 7: 0x400000
- For channels 8, 9, 10 or 11: 0x800000
- For channels 12, 13, 14 or 15: 0xC00000
For FGT PMA registers with offset address greater than 0xF0000 and less than 0xFFFFC, you must directly use the offset address provided in the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP register map.
For FGT PMA registers with offset address as 0xFFFFC, you must use the following address:
- For channel 0: 0xFFFFC
- For channel 1: 0x1FFFFC
- For channel 2: 0x2FFFFC
- For channel 3: 0x3FFFFC
- For channel 4: 0x4FFFFC
- For channel 5: 0x5FFFFC
- For channel 6: 0x6FFFFC
- For channel 7: 0x7FFFFC
- For channel 8: 0x8FFFFC
- For channel 9: 0x9FFFFC
- For channel 10: 0xAFFFFC
- For channel 11: 0xBFFFFC
- For channel 12: 0xCFFFFC
- For channel 13: 0xDFFFFC
- For channel 14: 0xEFFFFC
- For channel 15: 0xFFFFFC