Visible to Intel only — GUID: ilh1546917229136
1.1. Hardware Requirements
1.2. Hardware Setup
1.3. Design Description
1.4. Functional Description
1.5. Parameterization
1.6. Directory Structure
1.7. Simulation
1.8. Latency Measurement for 10G Design
1.9. Register Map
1.10. Document Revision History for AN 882: Using ADI AD9217 with Intel Stratix 10 Devices
1.11. Appendix: 5G Design Example
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ilh1546917229136
Ixiasoft Clocks
- Master_clk = 100 MHz
- Mgt_Refclk = 312.5 MHz (Actual reference clock to generate serial clock)
- Rx_Phy Clock = (Lane rate / 32) = 5 Gbps/32 = 156.25 MHz
- Serial Clock = (Lane rate / 2) = 5 Gbps/2 = 2500 MHz