Visible to Intel only — GUID: nik1411442141183
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nik1411442141183
2.8. Running the Design Example
To run the synthesizable hardware design example on the supported devices, you must supply the appropriate clock top level (tb_top) input ports with fixed frequencies as specified below:
- clk_100: 100MHz
- sampling_refclk: 100MHz (Only for the Intel Agilex® 7 F-Tile devices)
- cdr_refclk: Supply clock with frequency for initial bit rate chosen according to the folllowing table, except for E-Tile device. Supply 153.60MHz clock for E-Tile device.
- cdr_refclk1: Supply secondary clock with frequency for target bit rate according to the folllowing table (Only for the Intel® Stratix® 10 H-Tile or Intel® Arria® 10 devices when the Rate Negotiation feature is enabled).
- If selected target bit rate for rate negotiation uses the same reference clock frequency as initial bit rate, supply cdr_refclk and cdr_refclk1 with the same clock frequency.
- If one or more selected target bit rate for rate negotiation uses different reference clock frequency as initial bit rate, supply cdr_refclk with the frequency required for initial bit rate and supply cdr_refclk1 with the different secondary frequency.
- ehip_ref_clk: Supply clock with frequency for initial bit rate chosen aaccording to the folllowing table (Only for F-Tile and E-Tile devices).
- ehip_ref_clk1: Supply secondary clock with frequency for target bit rate according to the folllowing table (Only for F-Tile and E-Tile devices when Rate Negotiation feature is enabled).
- If selected target bit rate for rate negotiation uses the same reference clock frequency as initial bit rate, supply ehip_ref_clk and ehip_ref_clk1 with the same clock frequency.
- If one or more selected target bit rate for rate negotiation uses different reference clock frequency as initial bit rate, supply ehip_ref_clk with the frequency required for initial bit rate and supply ehip_ref_clk1 with the different secondary frequency.
- aib_pll_refclk: 156.25MHz (Only for F-Tile and E-Tile devices).
- dr_clk_100G_hz: In the Intel Agilex® 7 F-tile devices, this clock is dedicated only for simulation to speed up the NIOS in the dynamic reconfiguration controller. The clock is connected to i_cpu_clk port of the dynamic reconfiguration controller. The two clocks in the dynamic reconfiguration controller are driven as:
- In design example simulation, i_cpu_clk = 100GHz and i_csr_clk = 100MHz
- In hardware design example, i_cpu_clk = 100MHz and i_csr_clk = 100MHz
Initial or Target Bit rate (Mbits/s) | F-Tile and E-Tile Device (MHz) | Other Device (MHz) |
24330.24 | 184.32 | 253.44 |
12165.12 | 184.32 | 253.44 |
10137.60 | 184.32 | 253.44 |
9830.40 | 153.60 | 245.76 |
8110.08 | 184.32 | 253.44 |
6144.00 | 153.60 | 245.76 |
4915.20 | 153.60 | 245.76 |
3072.00 | 153.60 | 245.76 |
2457.60 | 153.60 | 245.76 |
1228.80 | 153.60 | 245.76 |
614.40 | 153.60 | 245.76 |
To run the CPRI Intel® FPGA IP demonstration testbench, follow these steps.
- In the Quartus® Prime software IP Catalog, select the CPRI Intel® FPGA IP and click Add.
- When prompted, you can specify any output file type (HDL). This setting is relevant only for synthesis and does not impact simulation of the demonstration testbench.
- In the CPRI parameter editor, set the following parameter values:
Table 19. CPRI Intel® FPGA IP Core Variation for Demonstration TestbenchThe testbench scripts require that you set these values in the CPRI parameter editor before you click Generate Example Design. The scripts generate the DUT but they require that you provide the parameter values. Parameter Value Line bit rate (Mbit/s) Any value the device family supports. Synchronization mode Master Enable Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (RSFEC) Turn Off Operation mode Any available mode Transmitter local clock division factor 1 Number of receiver CDR reference clock(s) 1 Receiver CDR reference clock frequency (MHz) 253.44 if the Line bit rate is 8.11008 or 10.1376 or 12.16512 Gbps and the IP targets the Intel® Stratix® 10 device family
368.64 if the Line bit rate is 24.33024 Gbps and the IP targets the Intel® Stratix® 10 device family
253.44 if the Line bit rate is 8.11008 or 10.1376 Gbps and the IP targets the Intel® Arria® 10 device family
253.44 if the Line bit rate is 8.11008 or 10.1376 Gbps and the IP targets a 28-nm device family
253.44 if the Line bit rate is 8.11008 Gbps and the IP targets Arria® V GZ device family
307.2 for all other cases
Core clock source input Internal or External Recovered clock source PMA if the Line bit rate is 10.1376 Gbps and IP core targets the Stratix V device family; PCS otherwise Receiver soft buffer depth (value shown is log2 of actual depth) 6 Enable line bit rate auto-negotiation Turn on or off Enable line bit rate auto-negotiation down to 614.4 Mbps Not available Management (CSR) interface standard Avalon® -MM Avalon-MM interface addressing type Word Auxiliary and direct interfaces write latency cycle(s) 0 Enable auxiliary interface Turn on or Turn off Enable resyncronization of CPRI radio frame number to desired value Turn on or Turn off Enable all control word access via management interface Turn off Enable direct Z.130.0 alarm bits access interface Turn off Enable direct ctrl_axc access interface Turn on or Turn off Enable direct vendor specific access interface Turn on or Turn off Enable direct real-time vendor specific interface Turn on or Turn off Enable start-up sequence state machine Turn off Enable protocol version and C&M channel setting auto-negotiation Not available Enable direct IQ mapping interface Turn on or Turn off Enable HDLC serial interface Turn on or Turn off Ethernet PCS interface NONE, MII or GMII Ethernet PCS Bypass Turn on or Turn off Enable run time switch of GMII PCS Turn on or Turn off L2 Ethernet PCS Tx/Rx FIFO depth (value shown is log2 of actual depth) 8 Enable L1 debug interfaces Turn off Enable Native PHY Debug Master Endpoint (NPDME), transceiver capability, control and status registers access Turn off Enable transceiver PMA serial forward loopback path Turn off Enable parallel forward loopback paths Turn off Enable parallel reversed loopback paths Turn off Enable single-trip delay calibration Not available Enable round-trip delay calibration Turn off Round-trip delay calibration FIFO depth Not available Language for top-level simulation file - Verilog
Enable Auto Rate Negotiation ED You must turn on if you have turned on parameter Enable line bit rate auto-negotiation and vice versa. - In the CPRI parameter editor, click the Generate Example Design button and specify the desired location of the testbench.
- Change directory to <your_ip>/setup_scripts/<simulator_vendor> .
- For Intel Agilex® 7 F-tile devices, perform these additional steps:
- Navigate to the <your_ip>/ip_components directory and perform these two commands:
quartus_ipgenerate --run_default_mode_op tb_top -c tb_top
quartus_tlg tb_top
Alternately, you may open the tb_top.qpf project in Intel® Quartus® Prime and perform the compilation until support logic generation stage. - Navigate to the <your_ip>/simulation/setup_scripts directory.
- Perform the following command:
ip-setup-simulation --use-relative-paths --quartus-project=../ip_components/tb_top.qpf
- Navigate to the <your_ip>/ip_components directory and perform these two commands:
- If you are using a simulator that requires that you open a user interface, open your target simulator.
Note: You must select a simulator that is supported by your Intel® Quartus® Prime software version. E-tile devices do not support Riviera-PRO* simulator.
- Execute the simulation script available for your simulation in the directory.
- In the QuestaSim* simulator, type do
- You can modify testbench parameters from a file, located at <your_ip>/testbench location.