Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683475
Date 12/16/2019
Document Table of Contents

2.10.2. Project Archive Commands

project_archive Command

project_archive archives your project into a single, compressed .qar file.

project_archive <name>.qar
Table 6.  project_archive Command Options
Options Description
-all_revisions Includes all revisions of the current project in the archive.
-auto_common_directory Preserves original project directory structure in archive.
-common_directory /<name> Preserves original project directory structure in specified subdirectory.
-include_libraries Includes libraries in archive.
-include_outputs Includes output files in archive.
-use_file_set <file_set> Includes specified fileset in archive.
-version_compatible_database Includes version-compatible database files in archive.
Note: Version-compatible databases are not available for some device families. If you require the database files to reproduce the compilation results in the same Intel® Quartus® Prime software version, use the -use_file_set full_db option to archive the complete database.

restore_archive Command

Restores an archived project to a destination directory with optional overwriting of current contents.

project_restore <name>.qar -destination <directory name> -overwrite