Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1403476004910
1.1. Stratix® V Family Variants
1.2. Stratix® V Features Summary
1.3. Stratix® V Family Plan
1.4. Low-Power Serial Transceivers
1.5. PCIe* Gen3, Gen2, and Gen1 Hard IP (Embedded HardCopy Block)
1.6. External Memory and GPIO
1.7. Adaptive Logic Module
1.8. Clocking
1.9. Fractional PLL
1.10. Embedded Memory
1.11. Variable Precision DSP Block
1.12. Power Management
1.13. Incremental Compilation
1.14. Enhanced Configuration and CvP
1.15. Automatic Single Event Upset Error Detection and Correction
1.16. HardCopy V Devices
1.17. Ordering Information
1.18. Revision History for the Stratix® V Device Overview
Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1403476004910
1.16. HardCopy V Devices
HardCopy V ASICs offer the lowest risk and lowest total cost in ASIC designs with embedded high-speed transceivers. You can prototype and debug with Stratix® V Stratix® V FPGAs, then use HardCopy V ASICs for volume production. The proven turnkey process creates a functionally equivalent HardCopy V ASIC with or without embedded transceivers to meet all timing constraints in as little as 12 weeks.
The powerful combination of Stratix® V FPGAs and HardCopy V ASICs can help you meet your design requirements. Whether you plan for ASIC production and require the lowest-risk, lowest-cost path from specification to production or require a cost reduction path for your FPGA-based systems, Altera provides the optimal solution for power, performance, and device bandwidth.