Enhanced Configuration (EPC) Devices Datasheet

ID 683253
Date 5/04/2016
Public Passive Serial Configuration

APEX 20KC, APEX 20KE, APEX 20K, APEX II, Cyclone series, FLEX 10K, and Stratix series devices can be configured using EPC devices in the PS mode. This mode is similar to the FPP mode, with the exception that only one bit of data (DATA[0]) is transmitted to the FPGA per DCLK cycle. The remaining DATA[7..1] output pins are unused in this mode and driven low.

The configuration schematic for PS configuration of a single FPGA or single-serial chain is identical to the FPP schematic, with the exception that only DATA[0] output from the EPC device connects to the FPGA DATA0 input pin and the remaining DATA[7..1] pins are left floating.