Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683236
Date 4/03/2023

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2.1.3. Compilation Monitoring

For a project and revision that is being compiled from the command line and you open that design in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition GUI, you can choose to switch the GUI to a monitoring mode.

In monitoring mode, you can monitor the progress of the command-line compilation in the Compilation Dashboard without affecting the command-line compilation. You can also view reports, view messages, and cross-probe to source files.

If multiple revisions of a project are being compiled simultaneously, you can choose which revision compilation to monitor.

You cannot stop a monitored compilation in the GUI. You must stop it from the command line.

After a monitored compilation finishes, the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition GUI automatically switches out of monitoring mode. However, if a new command-line compilation for the same project and revision starts, you are prompted to reenter monitoring mode.

You can start and exit the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition GUI in monitoring mode as often as you like without affecting the progress of the compilation underway.

Important: If a project and revision is currently being compiled from the command line and you open that design in the GUI without choosing the monitoring mode, you might cause design conflicts and corrupt the compilation database. For a project being compiled, the project shown when the GUI is not in monitoring mode might not reflect the most recent state of the project. If a new compilation of the project is launched, the new compilation can corrupt the command-line compilation.