Visible to Intel only — GUID: twe1535402174997
Visible to Intel only — GUID: twe1535402174997
7.6. Peripheral Channel Avalon Interface Use Model
Each Avalon read command reads back only 8-bit data. Even though the Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface read data is 32-bit wide, but only 8-bits (LSB) are used. This behavior applies to Avalon write command too.
When eSPI host sends PUT_IORD_SHORT or PUT_IOWR_SHORT command, these packets are not stored inside the FIFOs. The packet’s data is directly send to pc_port**_in port or pick from /pc_port**_out port.
You must use the following format while sending the response packet to PCTXFIFO:
After writing a response packet to PCTXFIFO, you must write 1 to Avalon Control Register (0x4h), indicating that the PCTXFIFO has a complete payload available. Once this flag is triggered, the eSPI host is acknowledged (thru espi status information) and fetchs the packet accordingly using the GET_PC command. Each FIFO can only store one packet.
Use Avalon Status Register (0x0h) to verify that the eSPI host sent a complete packet to PCRXFIFO (using PUT_PC/ PUT_MEMWR32_SHORT command) or NPRXFIFO (using PUT_NP/ PUT_MEMRD32_SHORT command).
- Invalid cycle type
- Invalid command
- CRC mismatch
- Put FIFO without FIFO Free asserted
- Get FIFO without FIFO Available asserted