Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Device Architecture

ID 683105
Date 10/31/2022
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1.3.2. 9-Bit Multipliers

You can configure each embedded multiplier to support two 9 × 9 independent multipliers for input widths of up to 9 bits.

The following figure shows the embedded multiplier configured to support two 9-bit multipliers.

Figure 9. 9-Bit Multiplier Mode

All 9-bit multiplier inputs and results are independently sent through registers. The multiplier inputs can accept signed integers, unsigned integers, or a combination of both.

Each embedded multiplier block has only one signa and one signb signal to control the sign representation of the input data to the block. If the embedded multiplier block has two 9 × 9 multipliers the following applies:
  • The Data A input of both multipliers share the same signa signal
  • The Data B input of both multipliers share the same signb signal