Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Device Architecture

ID 683105
Date 10/31/2022
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1.10. User Flash Memory

Intel® MAX® 10 devices feature a user flash memory (UFM) block that stores non-volatile information.

The UFM is part of the internal flash available in Intel® MAX® 10 devices.

The UFM architecture of Intel® MAX® 10 devices is a combination of soft and hard IPs. You can only access the UFM using the On-Chip Flash Intel® FPGA IP in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.

Figure 31. On-Chip Flash IP Block Diagram
This IP block has two Avalon® memory-mapped interface slave controllers:
  • Data—a wrapper of the UFM block that provides read and write accesses to the flash.
  • Control—the CSR and status register for the flash, that is required only for write operations.