Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Device Architecture

ID 683105
Date 10/31/2022
Document Table of Contents

1.1. Logic Array Block

The LABs are configurable logic blocks that consist of a group of logic resources.

Each LAB consists of the following:

  • 16 logic elements (LEs)—smallest logic unit in Intel® MAX® 10 devices
  • LE carry chains—carry chains propagated serially through each LE within an LAB
  • LAB control signals—dedicated logic for driving control signals to LEs within an LAB
  • Local interconnect—transfers signals between LEs in the same LAB
  • Register chains—transfers the output of one LE register to the adjacent LE register in an LAB
Figure 2. LAB Structure of Intel® MAX® 10 Devices

The Intel® Quartus® Prime Compiler places associated logic in an LAB or adjacent LABs, allowing the use of local and register chain connections for performance and area efficiency.