Hybrid Memory Cube Controller IP Core User Guide - Intel Stratix 10 Beta Version

ID 683854
Date 8/08/2016
Document Table of Contents

5.8. Error and Retry Statistics Registers

The HMC Controller IP core has four statistics registers. Counter fields in these registers are all of type RC (Read to Clear).
Table 31.  HMC Controller IP Core LOCAL_ERROR_COUNT Register at Offset 0x30
Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description
31:16 Reserved RO 0x0000
15:0 Local Count RC 0x0000 Count of received packets with CRC, SEQ, or length errors. The counter saturates at 0xFFFF.

Reading this register clears the Local Count field.

Table 32.  HMC Controller IP Core REMOTE_ERROR_COUNT Register at Offset 0x34
Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description
31:16 Reserved RO 0x0000
15:0 Error Count RC 0x0000 Number of times the HMC Controller IP core began the output error recovery process and retransmitted packets. This number indicates the number of errors detected by the external HMC device. This counter saturates at 0xFFFF.

Reading this register clears the Error Count field.

Table 33.  HMC Controller IP Core RETRY_BUFFER_ECC_COUNT Register at Offset 0x38
Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description
31:24 Reserved RO 0x00
23:16 Uncorrectable Count RC 0x00 Number of uncorrectable ECC errors the IP core detected in the Retry Buffer memory. This counter saturates at 0xFF.

This field maintains the value of zero unless you turn on Enable M20K ECC support in the parameter editor.

Reading this register clears all of its fields, including the Uncorrectable Count field.

15:8 Reserved RO 0x00
7:0 Correctable Count RC 0x00 Number of correctable ECC errors the IP core detected in the Retry Buffer memory (and corrected). This counter saturates at 0xFF.

This field maintains the value of zero unless you turn on Enable M20K ECC support in the parameter editor.

Reading this register clears all of its fields, including the Correctable Count field.

Table 34.  HMC Controller IP Core RESPONSE_QUEUE_ECC_COUNT Register at Offset 0x3C
Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description
31:24 Reserved RO 0x00
23:16 Uncorrectable Count RC 0x00 Number of uncorrectable ECC errors the IP core detected in the Response Queue memory. This counter saturates at 0xFF.

This field maintains the value of zero unless you turn on Enable M20K ECC support in the parameter editor.

Reading this register clears all of its fields, including the Uncorrectable Count field.

15:8 Reserved RO 0x00
7:0 Correctable Count RC 0x00 Number of correctable ECC errors the IP core detected in the Response Queue memory (and corrected). This counter saturates at 0xFF.

This field maintains the value of zero unless you turn on Enable M20K ECC support in the parameter editor.

Reading this register clears all of its fields, including the Correctable Count field.