Visible to Intel only — GUID: xwy1552184842688
1. Discontinuation of the Intel® HLS Compiler
2. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Reference Manual
3. Compiler
4. C Language and Library Support
5. Component Interfaces
6. Component Memories (Memory Attributes)
7. Loops in Components
8. Component Concurrency
9. Arbitrary Precision Math Support
10. Component Target Frequency
11. Systems of Tasks
12. Libraries
13. Advanced Hardware Synthesis Controls
14. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Reference Summary
A. Advanced Math Source Code Libraries
B. Supported Math Functions
C. Cyclone® V Restrictions
D. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Reference Manual Archives
E. Document Revision History of the Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Reference Manual
15. Discontinuation of the Intel® HLS Compiler
7.1. Loop Initiation Interval (ii Pragma)
7.2. Loop-Carried Dependencies (ivdep Pragma)
7.3. Loop Coalescing (loop_coalesce Pragma)
7.4. Loop Unrolling (unroll Pragma)
7.5. Loop Concurrency (max_concurrency Pragma)
7.6. Loop Iteration Speculation (speculated_iterations Pragma)
7.7. Loop Pipelining Control (disable_loop_pipelining Pragma)
7.8. Loop Interleaving Control (max_interleaving Pragma)
7.9. Loop Fusion Integration of an RTL Module into the HLS Pipeline RTL Module Interfaces RTL Reset and Clock Signals Object Manifest File Syntax Mapping HLS Data Types to RTL Signals HLS Emulation Models for RTL-Based Functions Potential Incompatibility between RTL Modules and Partial Reconfiguration Stall-Free RTL RTL Module Restrictions and Limitations for HLS Libraries
14.1. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition i++ Command-Line Arguments
14.2. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Header Files
14.3. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Compiler-Defined Preprocessor Macros
14.4. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Keywords
14.5. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Simulation API (Testbench Only)
14.6. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Component Memory Attributes
14.7. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Loop Pragmas
14.8. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Scope Pragmas
14.9. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Component Attributes
14.10. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Component Default Interfaces
14.11. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Component Invocation Interface Control Attributes
14.12. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Component Macros
14.13. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Systems of Tasks API
14.14. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Pipes API
14.15. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Streaming Input Interfaces
14.16. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Streaming Output Interfaces
14.17. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Memory-Mapped Interfaces
14.18. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Load-Store Unit Control
14.19. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Arbitrary Precision Data Types
B.1. Math Functions Provided by the math.h Header File
B.2. Math Functions Provided by the extendedmath.h Header File
B.3. Math Functions Provided by the ac_fixed_math.h Header File
B.4. Math Functions Provided by the hls_float.h Header File
B.5. Math Functions Provided by the hls_float_math.h Header File
B.6. Default Rounding Schemes and Subnormal Number Support
Visible to Intel only — GUID: xwy1552184842688
Ixiasoft RTL Reset and Clock Signals
Resets and clocks of RTL modules are connected to the same clock and reset drivers as the rest of the HLS pipeline.
Because of the common clock and reset drivers, an RTL module runs in the same clock domain as the HLS component that is integrating the RTL module. The module reset input is asserted whenever the HLS component is reset.