Visible to Intel only — GUID: txl1548359149468
Visible to Intel only — GUID: txl1548359149468
14.1. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition i++ Command-Line Arguments
Use the i++ command-line arguments to affect how your component is compiled and linked.
General i++ Command Options
Option | Description |
--debug-log | Generate the compiler diagnostics log. |
-h, --help | List compiler command options along with brief descriptions. |
-o result | Place compiler output into the <result> executable and the <result>.prj directory. |
-v | Display messages describing the progress of the compilation. |
--version | Display compiler version information. |
Command Options Affecting Compiling
Option | Default Value | Description |
-c | Preprocess, parse, and generate object files. | |
--component component name | Comma-separated list of function names to compile to RTL.
To use this option, your component must be configured with C-linkage using the extern "C" specification. For example:
extern "C" int myComponent(int a, int b) Using the component function attribute is preferred over using the --component command option to indicate functions that you want the compile to RTL. |
-D macro [= val ] | Define a <macro> with <val> as its value. | |
-g | Generate debug information (default option). | |
-g0 | Do not generate debug information. | |
--gcc-toolchain=<GCC_dir> | Specifies the path to a GCC installation that you want to use for compilation. This path should be the absolute path to the directory that contains the GCC lib, bin, and include folders. |
--hyper-optimized-handshaking=[auto|off] | auto | This option applies to Intel Agilex® 7 and Stratix® 10 devices only. Use this option to modify the handshaking protocol used in certain areas of your design. |
-I dir | Add directory <dir> to the end of the main include path. | |
-march=[x86-64 | FPGA_family | FPGA_part_number] | x86-64 | Generate code for an emulator flow (x86-64) or for the specified FPGA family or FPGA part number. |
--quartus-compile | Run the HDL generated through Quartus® Prime to generate accurate fMAX and area estimates. Your component is not expected to cleanly close timing. | |
--quartus-seed <seed> | Specifies the Fitter seed to use when your component is compiled to hardware by Quartus® Prime. | |
--simulator simulator_name | modelsim | Specifies the simulator you are using to perform verification.
This command option can take the following values for <simulator_name>:
If you do not specify this option, --simulator modelsim is assumed. |
-ffp-contract=[ fast | on ] |
For double-precision data types, controls whether the compiler can contract floating-point multiply and add or subtract operations into a single fused multiply-add (FMA), and controls whether the compiler skips intermediate rounding and conversions, except for code blocks fenced by #pragma clang fp contract(off). This option has no effect on operations that involve single-precision data types.
The -ffp-contract option can take one of the following values:
To learn more, review the following tutorials:
-ffp-reassociate |
Relax the order of floating point arithmetic operations, except for code blocks fenced by #pragma clang fp reassociate(off) To learn more, review the following tutorial: <quartus_installdir>/hls/examples/tutorials/best_practices/floating_point_ops |
--daz | For double data types only, disable subnormal support in double-precision floating-point computations. | |
--rounding= [ieee | faithful] | For double data types only, control rounding scheme for double-precision adders, multipliers, and dividers. If you do not specify this option, adders and multipliers use IEEE-754 round to nearest, ties to even (RNE) rounding (0.5 ULP) and dividers uses faithful rounding (1 ULP).
The -rounding option can take one of the following values:
--clock clock target | 240 MHz | Optimize the RTL for the specified clock frequency or period. The clock target value must include a unit.
For example:
i++ -march="Arria 10" test.cpp --clock 100MHz i++ -march="Arria 10" test.cpp --clock 10ns |
--dsp_mode= [prefer-dsp | prefer-softlogic | default] | default | For supported data types and math operations, controls the hardware implementation of math functions on a global scope.
For details about the implementation of math functions in hardware, refer to Math Function Hardware Implementation Summary. To learn more, refer to the following tutorial: <quartus_installdir>/hls/examples/tutorials/best_practices/control_of_dsp_usage |
Command Options Affecting Linking
Option | Default Value | Description |
-ghdl[=<depth>] | Enable full debug visibility and logging of HDL signals in simulation. Use the optional <depth> attribute to specify how many levels of hierarchy are logged. If you do not specify a value for the <depth> attribute, all signals are logged. Use -ghdl=1 to log only the top-level signals. |
-L dir -L dir |
(Linux only) Add directory <dir> to the list of directories to be searched for library files specified with the -l option. | |
-l library | (Linux only) Use the library name <library> when linking. | |
--x86-only | Create only the testbench executable ( <result>.out/ <result>.exe). | |
--fpga-only | Create only the <result>.prj directory and its contents. |