Visible to Intel only — GUID: jaf1547066919448
Visible to Intel only — GUID: jaf1547066919448
14.17. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Memory-Mapped Interfaces
Use the mm_host object and template arguments to explicitly declare Avalon® Memory-Mapped (MM) Host interfaces for your component.
Template Object or Parameter | Description |
ihc::mm_host | The underlying pointer type. |
ihc::dwidth | The width of the memory-mapped data bus in bits |
ihc::awidth | The width of the memory-mapped address bus in bits. |
ihc::aspace | The address space of the interface that associates with the host. |
ihc::latency | The guaranteed latency from when a read command exits the component when the external memory returns valid read data. |
ihc::maxburst | The maximum number of data transfers that can associate with a read or write transaction. |
ihc::align | The alignment of the base pointer address in bytes. |
ihc::readwrite_mode | The port direction of the interface. |
ihc::waitrequest | Adds the waitrequest signal that is asserted by the agent when it is unable to respond to a read or write request. |
getInterfaceAtIndex | This testbench function is used to index into an mm_host object. |
ihc::mm_host Template Object
- Syntax
- ihc::mm_host<datatype, template parameter >
- Valid values
- Any valid C++ datatype
- Default Value
- Default interface for pointer arguments.
- Description
The underlying pointer type. Pointer arithmetic performed on the host object conforms to this type. Dereferences of the host results in a load-store site with a width of sizeof(datatype). The default alignment is aligned to the size of the datatype.
You can use multiple template arguments in any combination as long the combination of arguments describes a valid hardware configuration.
Example:component int dut( ihc::mm_host<int, ihc::aspace<2>, ihc::latency<3>, ihc::awidth<10>, ihc::dwidth<32> > &a)
To learn more, review the following tutorials:- <quartus_installdir>/hls/examples/tutorials/interfaces/pointer_mm_host
- <quartus_installdir>/hls/examples/tutorials/interfaces/mm_host_testbench_operators
ihc::dwidth Template Parameter
- Syntax
- ihc::dwidth<value>
- Valid Values
- 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024
- Default Value
- 64
- Description
- The width of the memory-mapped data bus in bits.
ihc::awidth Template Parameter
- Syntax
- ihc::awidth<value>
- Valid Values
- Integer value in the range 1 – 64
- Default Value
- 64
- Description
The width of the memory-mapped address bus in bits.
This value affects only the width of the Avalon® MM Host interface. The size of the conduit of the base address pointer is always set to 64-bits.
ihc::aspace Template Parameter
- Syntax
- ihc::aspace<value>
- Valid Values
- Integer value greater than 0.
- Default Value
- 1
- Description
- The address space of the interface that associates with the host. Each unique value results in a separate Avalon MM Host interface on your component. All hosts with the same address space are arbitrated within the component to a single interface. As such, these hosts must share the same template parameters that describe the interface.
ihc::latency Template Parameter
- Syntax
- ihc::latency<value>
- Valid Values
- Non-negative integer value
- Default Value
- 1
- Description
- The guaranteed latency from when a read command exits the component when the external memory returns valid read data. If this latency is variable (such as when accessing DRAM), set it to 0.
ihc::maxburst Template Parameter
- Syntax
- ihc::maxburst<value>
- Valid Values
- Integer value in the range 1 – 1024
- Default Value
- 1
- Description
The maximum number of data transfers that can associate with a read or write transaction. This value controls the width of the burstcount signal.
For fixed latency interfaces, this value must be set to 1.
For more details, review information about burst signals and the burstcount signal role in "Avalon Memory-Mapped Interface Signal Roles" in Avalon Interface Specifications.
ihc::align Template Parameter
- Syntax
- ihc::align<value>
- Valid Values
- Integer value greater than the alignment of the datatype
- Default Value
- Alignment of the datatype
- Description
The alignment of the base pointer address in bytes.
The Intel® HLS Compiler uses this information to determine how many simultaneous loads and stores this pointer can permit.
For example, if you have a bus with 4 32-bit integers on it, you should use ihc::dwidth<128> (bits) and ihc::align<16> (bytes). This means that up to 16 contiguous bytes (or 4 32-bit integers) can be loaded or stored as a coalesced memory word per clock cycle.
Important: The caller is responsible for aligning the data to the set value for the align argument; otherwise, functional failures might occur.
ihc::readwrite_mode Template Parameter
- Syntax
- ihc::readwrite_mode<value>
- Valid Values
- readwrite, readonly, or writeonly
- Default Value
- readwrite
- Description
- The port direction of the interface. Only the relevant Avalon host signals are generated.
ihc::waitrequest Template Parameter
- Syntax
- ihc::waitrequest<value>
- Valid Values
- true or false
- Default Value
- false
- Description
Adds the waitrequest signal that is asserted by the agent when it is unable to respond to a read or write request.
For variable-latency interfaces, you must set this value to true to prevent warnings or errors when you use Platform Designer to integrate your HLS component into your design.
For more information about the waitrequest signal, see "Avalon Memory-Mapped Interface Signal Roles" in Avalon Interface Specifications.
getInterfaceAtIndex Testbench Function
- Syntax
- getInterfaceAtIndex(int index)
- Description
- This testbench function is used to index into an mm_host object. It can be useful when iterating over an array and invoking a component on different indicies of the array. This function is supported only in the testbench.
- Code Example
int main() { // ……. for(int idx = 0; idx < N; idx++) { dut(src_mm.getInterfaceAtIndex(idx)); } // ……. }