DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683273
Date 10/16/2023

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4.3.3. Required Hardware

The hardware demonstration requires the following hardware:

  • Intel FPGA kit (includes USB cable to connect the board to your PC); the demonstration supports the following kits:
    • Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA I-Series Transceiver-SoC development kit (4x F-Tile) (AGIB027R31B1E1V and AGIB027R31B1E1VAA)
    • Stratix V GX FPGA development kit (5SGXEA7K2F40C2)
    • Arria V GX FPGA starter kit (5AGXFB3H4F40C5)
    • Cyclone V GT FPGA development kit (5CGTFD9E5F35C7)
  • Bitec DisplayPort daughter card (HSMC revision 11 and later)
  • PC with a DisplayPort output
  • Monitor with a DisplayPort input
  • Two DisplayPort cables
    • One cable connects from the graphics card to the FPGA development board
    • The other cable connects from the FPGA development board to the monitor
Note: Intel recommends that you first test the PC and monitor by connecting the PC directly to the monitor to ensure that you have all drivers installed correctly.