External Memory Interfaces Intel® Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683216
Date 4/03/2023

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11.10.2. I/O SSM calbus Bridge Data Structures and Usage

The I/O SSM calbus bridge spans addresses in the range: 0x0300_0000 - 0x033f_ffff, where each address represents a 32-bit word. The calbus bridge is composed of several data structures, which are outlined in the tables below.

At the base of the calbus bridge address range is an array of sub-bank structures, which mimic the physical sub-bank structure (described in the I/O Bank topic in the Architecture chapter of this user guide). The size of the sub-bank structure is 0x0001_0000 bytes, such that sub-bank 0 appears at the base of the calbus bridge, sub-bank 1 is at 0x0301_0000, sub-bank 2 is at 0x0302_0000, and so on.

Note: Be aware that Intel® does not recommend changing the calibrated delay setting value via the calbus bridge, as doing so may cause corruption of the PHY.

Each sub-bank structure instantiates four lane structures, a tile center structure, and an hmc structure.

Table 168.  Sub-bank Structure
Address Structure Type Structure Instance Name Description
tile_addr_base_address = 0x0300_0000 + 0x0001_0000*tile_id lane_struct lane_0 Lane data structure, which mimics the physical structure of the lanes within a sub-bank.
tile_addr_base_address + 0x2000 lane_struct lane_1 Lane data structure, which mimics the physical structure of the lanes within a sub-bank.
tile_addr_base_address + 0x4000 lane_struct lane_2 Lane data structure, which mimics the physical structure of the lanes within a sub-bank.
tile_addr_base_address + 0x6000 lane_struct lane_3 Lane data structure, which mimics the physical structure of the lanes within a sub-bank.
tile_addr_base_address + 0x8000 sub_bank_centre_struct center Data structure which mimics the physical structure of a tile-center (described in the I/O Bank topic in the Architecture chapter)
tile_addr_base_address + 0xA000 hmc_struct hmc Data structure which mimics the physical structure of the MMR space (described in the MMR Tables topic in the End-User Signals chapter.

tile_id is the numerical position of a sub-bank when the sub-banks are chained in an I/O row. A tile id value of 0 denotes the bottom sub-bank within the left-most I/O bank.

The following figure depicts the tile IDs for the top I/O row in Intel® Agilex™ 7 AGF012 and AGF014 devices, package R24A.

Figure 253. Tile ID for Top I/O Row in Intel® Agilex™ 7 AGF012 and AGF014, package R24A

The lane structure consists of settings for the pins within the lane, as well as settings for the overall lane (such as DQS tree settings).

Table 169.  Lane Structure
Address Structure Type Structure Instance Name
io_lane_addr (base address of lane_0, lane_1, lane_2, or lane_3) pin_configuration_struct pin_0
io_lane_addr + 0x0100 pin_configuration_struct pin_1
io_lane_addr + 0x0200 pin_configuration_struct pin_2
io_lane_addr + 0x0300 pin_configuration_struct pin_3
io_lane_addr + 0x0400 pin_configuration_struct pin_4
io_lane_addr + 0x0500 pin_configuration_struct pin_5
io_lane_addr + 0x0600 pin_configuration_struct pin_6
io_lane_addr + 0x0700 pin_configuration_struct pin_7
io_lane_addr + 0x0800 pin_configuration_struct pin_8
io_lane_addr + 0x0900 pin_configuration_struct pin_9
io_lane_addr + 0x0a00 pin_configuration_struct pin_10
io_lane_addr + 0x0b00 pin_configuration_struct pin_11
io_lane_addr + 0x1800 dqs_tree_struct dqs
Table 170.  Pin Configuration Structure
Size (bytes) Register Name Description Offset from Structure Base Address
4 reg_counter_b_out Data Output Delay. 0xC0
4 reg_dqs_toggle_count_clr DQS Toggle Counter Clear. 0xCC
4 reg_out_phase_rank[4] Data Output Delay Per Rank; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). 0xD0
4 reg_io_pin_value Direct read of pin value. 0xE4
Table 171.  DQS Tree Structure
Size (bytes) Register Name Description Offset from Structure Base Address
4 reg_sel_vref Internal VREF Control (Vref-in). 0x14
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin0[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 0; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x80
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin1[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 1; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x90
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin2[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 2; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0xA0
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin3[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 3; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0xB0
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin4[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 4; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0xC0
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin5[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 5; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0xD0
4 reg_dqs_in_delay_a[4] DQS input delay A; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0xE0
4 reg_dqs_preamble_delay_a[4] DQS preamble input delay A; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[15] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0xF0
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin6[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 6; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x100
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin7[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 7; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x110
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin8[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 8; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x120
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin9[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 9; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x130
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin10[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 10; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x140
4 reg_dq_in_delay_pin11[4] DQ Input delay of Pin 11; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x150
4 reg_dqs_in_delay_b[4] DQS input delay B; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[12] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x160
4 reg_dqs_preamble_delay_b[4] DQS preamble input delay B; each array element corresponds to a memory rank (if applicable). Bit[15] is the enable bit (enable=1, disable=0). Bit[11:0] is the delay tap. 0x170