External Memory Interfaces Intel® Agilex™ FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683216
Date 12/19/2022

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Document Table of Contents Address Generator Relative Frequencies

The relative frequency of an address field refers to the number of read or write operations for which an address generator maintains a constant output before generating a new value.

The TG_ADDR_FIELD_RELATIVE_FREQ set of registers allow address fields 0 to 5 to have their frequency specified.

You can specify the frequency of a field, n, by writing an integer, k, to address TG_ADDR_FIELD_RELATIVE_FREQ + n, where n is the desired field index. This setting causes address generator n to output a new value every k read or write operations.

For example, writing the value 8 to register TG_ADDR_FIELD_RELATIVE_FREQ+2 specifies that field 2 generate a new address every 8th read or write operation.