Visible to Intel only — GUID: ulm1576109805302
1. Overview
2. CvP Description
3. CvP Topologies
4. Design Considerations
5. CvP Driver and Registers
6. Understanding the Design Steps for CvP Initialization using the Supported PCIe Tile in Agilex™ 7 FPGAs
7. Agilex™ 7 Device Configuration via Protocol (CvP) Implementation User Guide Archives
8. Document Revision History for the Agilex™ 7 Device Configuration via Protocol (CvP) Implementation User Guide
5.3.1. Vendor Specific Capability Header Register
5.3.2. Vendor Specific Header Register
5.3.3. Intel® Marker Register
5.3.4. User Configurable Device/Board ID Register
5.3.5. CvP Status Register
5.3.6. CvP Mode Control Register
5.3.7. CvP Data Registers
5.3.8. CvP Programming Control Register
5.3.9. CvP Credit Register
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ulm1576109805302
5.3.6. CvP Mode Control Register
Bits | Name | Reset Value | Access | Description |
[31:3] | — | 0x0000 | RO | Reserved. |
[2] | — | 0x0000 | RW | Reserved3. |
[1] | PLD_DISABLE | 1'b0 | RW/RO | Enables/disables the PLD interface. This allows Host driver to switch the PLD interface out before USER MODE deasserts, and to switch the PLD interface back in only after USER MODE has been asserted. This helps to prevent any glitches or race conditions during the USER MODE switching.
[0] | CVP_MODE | 1'b0 | RW | Controls whether the Hard IP for PCI Express is in CVP_MODE or normal mode.
3 Intel® recommends to set the reserved bit to 0 for write operation. For read operations, the PCIe* IP always generates 0 as the output.