Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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Document Table of Contents Avalon® Data Pattern Generator IP Command Interface

The command interface for the Avalon® Data Pattern Generator is a 32-bit Avalon® memory mapped write agent that accepts data generation commands. It is connected to a 16-element deep FIFO, thus allowing a host peripheral to drive commands into the Avalon® Data Pattern Generator IP.

The command interface maps to the following registers: cmd_lo and cmd_hi. The command is pushed into the FIFO when the register cmd_lo (address 0) is addressed. When the FIFO is full, the command interface asserts the waitrequest signal. You can create errors by writing to the register cmd_hi (address 1). The errors are cleared when 0 is written to this register, or its respective fields.