Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1411073362131
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1411073362131
1.2. Download and Install the Tutorial Design Files
- On the Qsys Tutorial Design Example page, under Using this Design Example, click Qsys Tutorial Design Example (.zip) to download and install the tutorial design files for the Qsys tutorial.
- Extract the contents of the archive file to a directory on your computer. Do not use spaces in the directory path name.
In place of following all steps in this tutorial to create subsystem, hierarchical, and top-level design files, you can copy the completed design files listed below into the tt_qsys_design\quartus_ii_projects_for_boards\<development_board_type> directory, depending on your board type.
- The two completed subsystems: pattern_generator_system.qsys, and pattern_checker_system.qsys from the tt_qsys_design\completed_subsystems directory.
- The hierarchical system memory_tester_system.qsys from the tt_qsys_design\completed_subsystems\completed_memory_tester_system directory.
The top-level hierarchical system top_system.qsys from the tt_qsys_design\quartus_ii_projects_for_boards\<development_board_type> \backup_and_completed_top_system\completed_top_system directory.