Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 10/02/2023

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3.5.4. Locating Timing Paths in Other Tools

You can locate from paths and elements in the Timing Analyzer to other visualization tools in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, such as the Chip Planner, Technology Map Viewer, or Resource Property Viewer.
You can right-click most paths or node names in the Timing Analyzer reports and click the Locate Node or Locate Path commands. Use these commands in the Timing Analyzer GUI or the locate command in the Tcl console to locate to that node in other Intel® Quartus® Prime tools.
Figure 84. Locate Path from Timing Analyzer to Technology Map Viewer

The following examples show how to locate the ten paths with the worst timing slack from Timing Analyzer to the Technology Map Viewer, and locate all ports matching data* in the Chip Planner.

Locating from the Timing Analyzer

# Locate in the Technology Map Viewer the ten paths with the worst slack
locate [get_timing_paths -npaths 10] -tmv
# locate all ports that begin with data in the Chip Planner
locate [get_ports data*] -chip