Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 1/31/2023

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3.5. Step 4: Analyze Timing Reports

During analysis, the Timing Analyzer examines the timing paths in the design, calculates the propagation delay along each path, checks for timing constraint violations, and reports timing results as positive slack or negative slack. Negative slack indicates a timing violation. Positive slack indicates that timing requirements are met.

The Timing Analyzer provides very fine-grained reporting and analysis capabilities to identify and correct violations along timing paths. Generate timing reports to view how to best optimize the critical paths in your design. If you modify, remove, or add constraints, re-run timing analysis. This iterative process helps resolve timing violations in your design.

Figure 43. Timing Analyzer Shows Failing Paths in Red

Reports that indicate failing timing performance appear in red text, and reports that pass appear in black text. A gold question mark icon indicates reports that are outdated due to SDC changes since generation. Regenerate these reports to show the latest data.

The following sections describe how to generate various timing reports for analysis.