Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector User and Reference Guide

ID 767272
Date 3/31/2023
Document Table of Contents

Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector User and Reference Guide

This document provides a comprehensive overview of the product functionality, workflow, and instructions to use Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector tool for analyzing MPI applications for deadlocks, bad communication patterns, communication imbalances, algorithm correctness, and more.


Intel® VTune™ Profiler's Application Performance Snapshot provides overall performance characteristics of an MPI enabled application using a simple interface with faster time to results. VTune Profiler helps identify imbalances and communication issues on a single node. As a result, Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector will no longer be included in the Intel® HPC Toolkit. It continues to be downloadable as a standalone package and it will be discontinued in 2025 or later. Customers who have- purchased Intel® Priority Support will continue to receive support. Please see Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector deprecation article for more information.

Download Here

Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector is available as a standalone application and as a component of the Intel® HPC Toolkit.