Test Engine FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 and Agilex™ 7 FPGAs

ID 817758
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.10.2. Memory AXI4 Driver Registers

Table 46.  Memory AXI4 Driver Summary
Register Name Address Offset Description
version_lo 0x0060

Driver Version

version_hi 0x0064
ctrl_stat_lo 0x0068 Driver Control and Status
ctrl_stat_hi 0x006C
scratchpad_lo 0x0070

Scratch Pad Registers

These contain registers that can be written with any value and read back to the user. These registers are primarily for testing Read/Write access through the sideband interface.
scratchpad_hi 0x0074
wr_log_ram_stat_lo 0x0078 Write Log RAM status.
wr_log_ram_stat_hi 0x007C
wr_log_ram_ctrl_lo 0x0080

Write Log RAM control.

wr_log_ram_ctrl_hi 0x0084
rd_log_ram_stat_lo 0x0088 Read Log RAM status.
rd_log_ram_stat_hi 0x008C
rd_log_ram_ctrl_lo 0x0090 Read Log RAM control.
rd_log_ram_ctrl_hi 0x0094
wr_err_counters_0_lo 0x0098 Write response error counters.
wr_err_counters_0_hi 0x009C
rd_err_counters_0_lo 0x00A0 Read response error counters.
rd_err_counters_0_hi 0x00A4
rd_err_counters_1_lo 0x00A8
rd_err_counters_1_hi 0x00AC
rd_pnf_0_lo 0x00B0 Read response PNF.
rd_pnf_0_hi 0x00B4
rd_pnf_1_lo 0x00B8
rd_pnf_1_hi 0x00BC
rd_pnf_2_lo 0x00C0
rd_pnf_2_hi 0x00C4
rd_pnf_3_lo 0x00C8
rd_pnf_3_hi 0x00CC
rd_pnf_4_lo 0x00D0
rd_pnf_4_hi 0x00D4
rd_pnf_5_lo 0x00D8
rd_pnf_5_hi 0x00DC
rd_pnf_6_lo 0x00E0
rd_pnf_6_hi 0x00E4
rd_pnf_7_lo 0x00E8
rd_pnf_7_hi 0x00EC
rd_pnf_8_lo 0x00F0
rd_pnf_8_hi 0x00F4
rd_pnf_9_lo 0x00F8
rd_pnf_9_hi 0x00FC
rd_pnf_10_lo 0x0100
rd_pnf_10_hi 0x0104
rd_pnf_11_lo 0x0108
rd_pnf_11_hi 0x010C
rd_pnf_12_lo 0x0110
rd_pnf_12_hi 0x0114
rd_pnf_13_lo 0x0118
rd_pnf_13_hi 0x011C
rd_pnf_14_lo 0x0120
rd_pnf_14_hi 0x0124
rd_pnf_15_lo 0x0128
rd_pnf_15_hi 0x012C
rd_pnf_16_lo 0x0130
rd_pnf_16_hi 0x0134
rd_pnf_17_lo 0x0138
rd_pnf_17_hi 0x013C
rd_pnf_18_lo 0x0140
rd_pnf_18_hi 0x0144
rd_pnf_19_lo 0x0148
rd_pnf_19_hi 0x014C
ter_dq_mask_0_lo 0x0150 TER DQ mask
ter_dq_mask_0_hi 0x0154
ter_dq_mask_1_lo 0x0158
ter_dq_mask_1_hi 0x015C
ter_lo 0x0160 TER counter
ter_hi 0x0164