AN 960: JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP and ADI AD9081 MxFE* ADC Interoperability Report for Intel Agilex® 7 E-Tile Devices

ID 709330
Date 3/27/2023

1.1. Hardware and Software Requirements

The interoperability test requires the following hardware and software tools:


  • Intel Agilex® 7 5G/Wireless Development Platform - HTK-HPCSOM5G-AGF (ADI version) with 12 V power adapter
  • Analog Devices (ADI) AD9081 MxFE* EVM (AD9081-FMCA-EBZ, Rev C)
  • SMA male to single stranded wire


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 21.1
  • AD9081_API version 1.1.0 (Linux application, required for AD9081 EVM configuration)