4G Turbo-V Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683882
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.3. 4G Turbo-V Signals and Interfaces

Downlink Accelerator

Figure 10. Downlink Accelerator Interfaces
Table 14.  Downlink Accelerator Signals
Signal Name Direction Bit Width Description
clk Input 1 Clock input. All Turbo-V IP interface signals are synchronous to this clock.
reset_n Input 1 Resets the internal logic of whole IP.
sink_valid Input 1 Asserted when data at sink_data is valid.
sink_data Input 8 Typically carries the bulk of the information being transferred.
sink_sop Input 1 Indicates the start of an incoming packet
sink_eop Input 1 Indicates the end of an incoming packet
sink_ready Output 1 Indicates when the IP can accept data
crc_enable Input 1 Enables the CRC block
cb_size_index Input 8 Input code block size K
sink_rm_out_size Input 20 Rate matcher output block size, corresponding to E.
sink_code_blocks Input 15 Soft buffer size for current code block Ncb
sink_rv_idx Input 2 Redundancy version index (0,1,2 or 3)
sink_rm_bypass Input 1 Enables bypass mode in the rate matcher
source_valid Output 1 Asserted by the IP when there is valid data to output.
source_data Output 24 Carries the bulk of the information transferred. This information is available where valid is asserted.
source_sop Output 1 Indicates the beginning of a packet.
source_eop Output 1 Indicates the end of a packet.
source_ready Input 1 Data reception is valid where the ready signal is asserted.
Source_blk_size Output 13 Output code block size K
Figure 11. Downlink Signals

Uplink Accelerator

Figure 12. Uplink Accelerator Interfaces
Table 15.  Uplink Accelerator Signals
Signal Direction Bit Width Description
clk Input 1 Clock input. All Turbo-V IP interface signals are synchronous to this clock.
reset_n Input 1 Reset of input clock signal
sink_valid Input 1 Avalon streaming input valid
sink_data Input 24 Avalon streaming input data
sink_sop Input 1 Avalon streaming input start of packet
sink_eop Input 1 Avalon streaming input end of packet
sink_ready Input 1 Avalon streaming input ready
cb_size_index Input 8 Block size index
max_iteration Input 5 Specify the maximum number of half-iterations
rm_bypass Input 1 Enables bypass mode
sel_CRC24A Input 1

Specify the type of CRC that you need for the current data block:

• 0: CRC24B

• 1: CRC24A

source_valid Output 1 Avalon streaming output valid
source_data Output 16 Avalon streaming output data
source_sop Output 1 Avalon streaming output start of packet
source_eop Output 1 Avalon streaming output end of packet
source_ready Output 1 Avalon streaming output ready
CRC_type Output 1

Indicates the type of CRC that was used for the current data block:

• 0: CRC24A

• 1: CRC24B

source_blk_size Output 13 Specifies the outgoing block size
CRC_pass Output 1

Indicates whether CRC was successful:

• 0: Fail

• 1: Pass

source_iter Output 5 Shows the number of half iterations after which the Turbo decoder stops processing the current data block.
Figure 13. Uplink Signals