AN 900: Intel® Arria 10 DisplayPort 8K RX-only Design

ID 683799
Date 7/02/2021
Public Onboard User LED Functions

This debug feature allows you to observe the link rate, number of channels used, and link training status through the onboard LEDs of the development kit.
Table 10.  LED Functions
LEDs Functions
USER_LED[0] This LED indicates that the source is lane-trained successfully. At this point, the IP asserts the rx_vid_locked signal.
USER_LED[5:1] These LEDs illuminate the design lane counts.
  • 4'b0001 = 1 lane
  • 4'b0010 = 2 lanes
  • 4'b0100 = 4 lanes
USER_LED[7:6] These LEDs indicate the RX link rates.
  • 2'b00 = RBR
  • 2'b01 = HBR
  • 2'b10 = HBR2
  • 2'b11 = HBR3