Agilex™ 7 Clocking and PLL User Guide: F-Series and I-Series

ID 683761
Date 8/21/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.3.1. .mif Streaming Reconfiguration

.mif streaming allows you to dynamically reconfigure the I/O PLL through the IOPLL Reconfig IP core using predefined settings saved in an on-chip RAM. You must generate a .mif file containing these pre-defined configurations, up to 32 I/O PLL configurations, from the IOPLL IP core parameter editor.

To perform .mif streaming reconfiguration, follow these steps:

  1. Set mgmt_address[9:8] = 2’b00 to choose the .mif streaming mode and set mgmt_writedata[4:0] to the index of the desired configuration in the .mif file.
  2. To start the .mif streaming reconfiguration on the I/O PLL, assert the mgmt_write signal for one mgmt_clk cycle. mgmt_waitrequest is asserted by the IOPLL Reconfig IP core while .mif streaming is in progress.
  3. After the reconfiguration is complete, the mgmt_waitrequest signal is de-asserted.
  4. In the IOPLL Reconfig IP core parameter editor, select the Assert waitrequest until IOPLL has locked option for the I/O PLL to lock. Otherwise, you can wait for the I/O PLL to lock to ensure the I/O PLL reconfiguration is complete.

Recalibration is done automatically for .mif streaming reconfiguration. If you want to manually trigger recalibration using .mif file, follow the steps in the Recalibration Using .mif section.