Serial Flash Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683509
Date 4/10/2023

Writing Flash Memory

Here are the steps to write to flash memory:
# Write Offset 4 to request access to the flash memory device.
master_write_32 $m $AsmiOpen 0x1

# Write Offset 3 to select the 1st flash memory device attached to the IP.
master_write_32 $m $AsmiChipSelect 0x0

# Write Offset 6 to perform write enable operation to the device.
master_write_32 $m $AsmiWrEnable 0x1

# Writing the command argument to Offset 20 (Specify 0x2 to flush out data inside write FIFO)
master_write_32 $m $AsmiWriteOp 0x2

# Pre-store the data that you want to write into flash memory in write data FIFO via the base address of wr_mem in the IP (Specify 0x11223344 to write into write data FIFO)
master_write_32 $m $WR_MEM 0x11223344

# Read Offset 22 to determine the fill level of the internal write data FIFO.
master_read_32 $m $AsmiWriteFifoLevel 1

# Writing the address argument to Offset 21 (specify the device address for write operation to 0x03FF0000)
master_write_32 $m $AsmiWriteAddr 0x03FF0000

# Writing the command argument to Offset 20 (Specify 0x1 to perform write operation)
master_write_32 $m $AsmiWriteOp 0x1

# Write Offset 5 to close access to the flash memory device.
master_write_32 $m $AsmiClose 0x1