Early Power Estimator User Guide

ID 683272
Date 7/16/2021
Document Table of Contents Import Data into the PowerPlay EPE Spreadsheet

You must import the PowerPlay EPE file into the PowerPlay EPE spreadsheet before modifying any information in the PowerPlay EPE spreadsheet. Also, you must verify all your information after importing a file.

Importing a file from the Quartus II software populates all input values on the Main worksheet that were specified in the Quartus II software. These parameters include:
  • Family
  • Device
  • Package
  • Temperature grade
  • Power characteristics
  • Core voltage (V)
  • Ambient (TA) or junction (TJ) temperature (°C)
  • Heat sink
  • Airflow
  • Custom θSA or Custom θJA
  • Board thermal model

The ambient or junction temperature, heat sink, airflow, Custom θSA or Custom θJA, and board thermal model parameters are optional. For more information about these parameters, refer to the Main worksheet.

The clock frequency (fMAX) values imported into the PowerPlay EPE spreadsheet are the same as the fMAX values taken from the Quartus II software as per the design. You can manually edit the fMAX values and the toggle percentage in the PowerPlay EPE spreadsheet to suit your design requirements.

To import data into the PowerPlay EPE spreadsheet, follow these steps:

  1. In the PowerPlay EPE spreadsheet, Click Import CSV.
  2. Browse to a PowerPlay EPE file generated from the Quartus II software and click Open. The file has a name of <revision name> _early_pwr.csv.
  3. In the confirmation window to proceed, click OK.
  4. If the file is imported, click OK. Clicking OK acknowledges the import is complete. If there are any errors during the import, an .err file is generated with details.