Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations

ID 683082
Date 9/26/2022

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2.3.3. Use Clock Region Assignments to Optimize Clock Constraints

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software determines how clock regions are assigned. You can override these assignments with Clock Region assignments to specify that a signal routed with global routing paths must use the specified clock region.

Clock Region assignments allow you to control the placement of the clock region for floorplanning reasons. For example, use a Clock Region assignment to ensure that a certain area of the device has access to a global signal, throughout your design iterations. A Clock Region assignment can also be used in cases of congestion involving global signal resources. By specifying a smaller clock region size, the assignment prevents a signal using spine clock resources in the excluded sectors that may be encountering clock-related congestion.

You can specify Clock Region assignments in the assignment editor.