Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-9F92EF89-DB09-4196-A0CD-018D11A305BE
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-9F92EF89-DB09-4196-A0CD-018D11A305BE
Define the TBBROOT Environment Variable
With Intel® Advisor samples, to build the Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) project (_tbb), you need to define the TBBROOT environment variable.
To define this environment variable:
On Linux* OS:
Open a command line window.
Use the export command to set the TBBROOT environment variable, type: export TBBROOT=<tbb-install-dir>. If you used the default path during installation, the <tbb-install-dir> is inside:
For root users:
/opt/intel/For non-root users:
For example, if you installed the Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks as a part of Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit, the <tbb-install-dir> may be /opt/intel/oneapi/tbb/<version>.
To always set this variable on the current system, add this definition to your .login or similar shell initialization file.
On Windows* OS:
Open the control panel and access: Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables....
Locate any existing definition of the TBBROOT user or system environment variable. If present, verify that it value is correct if you encountered build errors and either click Cancel or OK as needed to exit the dialog box.
If it is not present, under System variables or User variables, click New.
Specify the Variable name as: TBBROOT.
Specify the Variable value as the path of the installed Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit files, including the \tbb directory.
If you installed the product as part of a Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit and used the default path, files are installed below: C:\Program Files (x86)&bso