Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 12/16/2022

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Save Results to a Custom Location

The Intel® Advisor saves a result in a subdirectory of each project's directory. The project directory is in the default Visual Studio location or the directory specified when creating the Intel® Advisor Standalone GUI project. Instead of saving results within each project's directory, you can specify a custom, central location for saving all new results.

To save results to a custom location when using the Microsoft Visual Studio* or Intel® Advisor GUI:

  1. From the Microsoft Visual Studio menu, choose Tools > Options...
  2. From the Intel® Advisor GUI menu, choose File > Options...
  3. In the Options dialog box, expand the Intel Advisor program folder and choose the Result Location page.
  4. Select Save all results in this directory:.
  5. Click Browse to select the custom location.
  6. Click OK.

The Intel® Advisor saves future results to the custom location. The subdirectory name is the result name, such as e000.
