External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP Design Example User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 817394
Date 4/01/2024

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2.1.1. Generating a Custom Memory Presets File

This topic illustrates how to generate and configure memory device presets. You would do this if your design targets a memory component or DIMM for which the Quartus® Prime software doesn't already have presets.

These steps create an LPDDR4 presets file; however, the steps are similar for other memory protocols.

  1. In the IP Catalog window, select Memory Device Description IP (LPDDR4). (If the IP Catalog window is not visible, select View > IP Catalog.)
    Figure 4. IP Catalog
  2. In the IP parameter editor, provide an entity name for the memory device presets file (the name that you provide here becomes the name for the file) and specify a directory. Click Create.
    Figure 5. Specifying a File Name