Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683747
Date 6/22/2020

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1.2. Directory Structure

The Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet IP core design example file directories contain the following generated files for the design example.

Figure 4. Directory Structure for the Generated Design Example
  • The simulation files (testbench for simulation only) are located in <design_example_dir>/example_testbench.
  • The compilation-only example design is located in <design_example_dir>/compilation_test_design.
  • The hardware configuration and test files (the hardware design example) are located in <design_example_dir>/hardware_test_design.
Table 2.  Directory and File Descriptions

File Names


eth_ex_40g.qpf Intel® Quartus® Prime project file.
eth_ex_40g.qsf Intel® Quartus® Prime project settings file.
eth_ex_40g.sdc Synopsys* Design Constraints file. You can copy and modify this file for your own Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP design.
eth_ex_40g.srf Intel® Quartus® Prime project message suppression rule file.
eth_ex_40g.v Top-level Verilog HDL design example file.
eth_ex_40g_clock.sdc Synopsys* Design Constraints file for clocks.
common/ Hardware design example support files.

Main file for accessing System Console.