AN 845: Signal Tap Tutorial for Intel® Arria® 10 Partial Reconfiguration Design

ID 683662
Date 10/08/2018

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Step 3: Preparing the Implementation Revisions for Debug

In this step you instantiate the SLD JTAG Bridge Host and then add a .stp file to the implementation revisions that you want to debug.
  1. In the Intel® Quartus® Prime GUI, set blinking_led_slow as the current revision.
  2. Include sld_host.ip as a project file in the blinking_led_slow implementation revision.
  3. Uncomment the following blocks of code from
    // Uncomment this block to enable Signal Tap
    input wire tck,
    input wire tms,
    input wire tdi,
    input wire vir_tdi,
    input wire ena,
    output wire tdo,
    // Uncomment this block to enable Signal Tap
    sld_host u_sld_hostled_two_on (
    	.tck	(tck),	//   input,  width = 1, connect_to_bridge_host.tck
    	.tms	(tms),	//   input,  width = 1,                       .tms
    	.tdi	(tdi),	//   input,  width = 1,                       .tdi
    	.vir_tdi(vir_tdi),//   input,  width = 1,                    .vir_tdi
    	.ena	(ena),	//   input,  width = 1,                       .ena
    	.tdo	(tdo)	//  output,  width = 1,                       .tdo
  4. Update the port definition for the PR personas to include the following ports, by uncommenting this block of code in and files:
    module blinking_led_slow (
        // clock
        input wire clock,
        input wire [31:0] counter,
        //Uncomment this block to enable Signal Tap
        input wire tck,
        input wire tms,
        input wire tdi,
        input wire vir_tdi,
        input wire ena,
        output wire tdo,
        // Control signals for the LEDs
        output wire led_two_on,
        output wire led_three_on
  5. Click Tools > Signal Tap Logic Analyzer to open the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer Window.
    Figure 11.  Signal Tap Logic Analyzer Window
  6. Click File > Save As, and save the file as stp_slow.stp.
    A dialog box appears prompting you to enable Signal Tap file stp_slow.stp for the current project.
    Figure 12. Enable stp_slow.stp for the Current Project
  7. Click Yes.

Repeat these steps for the blinking_led_default and the blinking_led_empty personas. Use stp_default.stp and stp_empty.stp for the Signal Tap files.

You can disable Signal Tap in the project by clicking Assignments > Settings. In the Category pane select Signal Tap Logic Analyzer. Then, turn off Enable Signal Tap Logic Analyzer.